Disable_web_page_preview telegram bot
Disable_web_page_preview telegram bot

disable_web_page_preview telegram bot

update_handler ( update_type = 'message', func = lambda message : message. # Since we want all text messages to be handled by this function, # so it simply always return True.

disable_web_page_preview telegram bot

If the lambda returns True, # the message is handled by the decorated function. # It uses a lambda function to test a message. message_id, allow_sending_without_reply = True, reply_markup = None ) # This one echoes all incoming text messages back to the sender. uid, text = "Howdy, how are you doing?", parse_mode = None, entities = None, disable_web_page_preview = False, disable_notification = False, reply_to_message_id = msg. update_handler ( update_type = 'message', bot_command = ) # A function which is decorated by an update handler can have an arbitrary name, # however, it must have only one parameter (the msg) def send_welcome ( msg ): bot. # Let's define an update handler which handles incoming `/start` and `/help` bot_command. # update_type define filters which can be a message, If a message passes the filter, # the decorated function is called and the incoming message is passed as an argument. Bot ( access_token = "TOKEN" ) # After that declaration, we need to register some so-called update handler. import tgbotapi # Note: Make sure to actually replace TOKEN with your own API token bot = tgbotapi.

disable_web_page_preview telegram bot

Then, open the file and create an instance of the Bot class. The Bot class encapsulates all API calls in a single class, It provides functions such as send_xyz ( send_messageĪnd several ways to listen for incoming messages.Ĭreate a file called Presumed you have obtained a bot token with A Simple Bot Based On pyTelegramBotAPI How to Use Prerequisites

Disable_web_page_preview telegram bot